Death Note, a manga and later also an anime series made furore. The story is very excitingly told with numerous twists and turns and unexpected events. The art style is excellent, the characters outstanding. And very importantly: Death Note, both the manga and the anime appeal to a wide audience. Even my husband, a man who belittles my interest has shown an interest in Death Note. For everyone who would like a first small visual impression, I found a short AMV at youtube:
I liked the story very well, even if I did not believe it completely without fail. The middle of both the mangas and the anime has a little sag in the story, where I got a bit impatient and wanted the plot to proceed faster and to "get to the point". Still, it overcame that stage and it did get to the point. It was also made in a very appealing way with good graphics.
My favourite Death Note Characters are:
L. Of course. The reasons are simple: He's a mastermind and very cute. He's outstanding and I like his naked feet and crouched way of sitting. And the look of challenge and fun in his eyes.
Mello. This one is more difficult to explain. He's a bit of a villain after all. I liked him because he seemed rebellious and difficult to handle. And because he had the most outstanding fashion sense in the series ... well, maybe after the death gods. Also in the later part of the series Mello has half of his face covered in burn scars. And he's one of those people who look better with scars than without. They add to his character, before the scars he looked like a sulky teen, with the scars he has finally grown into his own role.
Ryuk - the Death God. He's mischievious, selfish and heartless and doesn't bother to hide it. Ryuk is just fun to watch.
Mikami Teru. I know this one is really difficult to explain. Another villain. But I prefer Mikami to Yagami Light, because even if he deceives himself about the means to achieve a better world he just fell for the whole "Kira = God"-thingy. I admire him for his strict, stoical habits and his discipline. And - let's be honest - I thought he was the best looking man in the series.
Hey, most of my favourite characters are baddies!!! Hmh ... I wonder - does that say something about me?
There were also characters I hated. Most of all Amane Misa. I hated her already in the manga for her stupidity and her dumb-is-cute-attitude and her totally misplaced believe in Light. I hated her even more when I saw the anime because she had a horrible high pitched voice that I could not endure for long without getting headaches.
No matter if it is the manga or the anime, Death Note would suit almost anybody with a mind open enough to try something new.
And just to prove my point - of course there is Death Note Doujinshi yaoi, lots of yaoi fanfiction and fanart out there! Check it out: