Anyone who has ever seen Ashcroft and was wearing their prescribed goggles at the time, knows that he is not ... mildly said ... the model-type. The best you could say is that he looks kind of cool and rock-stary with a face that speaks of too much drink and not enough healthy food and sleep.
Some years ago I saw Ashcroft live at the Grosse Freiheit in Hamburg, Germany. When he came out on stage, I felt like I wanted to have a word with his mother or his doctor and lecture them on how to look after a young man properly.
That is ..
until he started singing. Then suddenly he underwent a drastic metamorphosis on stage. Where just a moment before a too thin and unhealthy looking, far too-pale boy with dark shadows under his eyes had been standing, there was this rather dashing looking guy. By the end of the first song I thought he was beautiful. By the end of the fourth song I had a major crush on him. By the end of the concert I was ready to have his babies.
It is rather fortunate that only few men have the power of a voice that holds such magic for me. Otherwise I would probably have ended as a far too well-known backstage groupie.
Richard Ashcroft's voice doesn't really make me think of old days or love or any other nice thing. It just renders me unable to think at all. My braincells (the few that are left) go into stand-by modus and are replaced by endorphin inducing sound waves. I know of only a few voices that have this compelling magic over me. Ashcroft is the first that comes to mind. I already much admired his voice when he was still lead singer for "The Verve". Thom Yorke is another vocal magician who can reduce my brain to jelly within seconds.
I don't know all that much about music or music theories. What gives one voice such power? Are they simply better singers? Do they know they can do this?
Na, don't expect any answers from ME!!!
Here for you: Richard Ashcroft "Song for lovers" live.
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