I called the blog "Letters from Bedlam" in reference to the well-known psychiatric hospital in London. Because my life feels a bit like a madhouse sometimes. And if you wonder about my nick "GeishaX", that is an old name I have been using online ever since my first times on the web. So for well over 10 years. Back then I liked the name, it has a relation to Japan to which I have an affinity. It stands for an entertainer versed in the arts, something I would like to be (without much hope). And the X was meant to supply a touch of mystery, coolness and style. (Mangareaders please note that in "Get Backers" a unknown boy child was found inside a bag with the name tag "Makube" on it. An X was added to stand for the unknown factor, and Makube X then became Makubex.
It is a long time ago that I made all that up, by now I just use the name because I feel that it has in a way become my name and I am not overly thinking about any of these things. (so when people meet me only for the first time as GeishaX and feel it as a come on I usually don't even get it until I am directly told about it. So forget all you know or think you know about Geishas - I am an entirely different type of person. I won't play koto or recite poems or laugh in an artful and come-hither way. I won't bow. Unless I feel you deserve it. And you'll have to work hard for that. My avatar picture is a colored-in cut-out from "Akuma de Sourou" (The devil does exist).
So here is what you can expect: I don't know. Or rather I don't know the limitations. Or let's just say: anything goes. It was never meant to be a manga blog. But of course I will write about the things that I am currently juggling in my mind. And as I am going through a rather hardcore manga phase, you are going to be served mangas till you are heartily sick of them. (What? You already are? Sissies! No endurance. You better brace yourself for more of the same fare.)
But in the end I will just ramble about whatever is currently on my mind.
As you see I have started two "series"-threads. The "Parallel Universe"-Series (which basically are a what would my life be like if things had gone different-thingy) and the "Women's 7 deadly sins" (a series about things that women like - maybe too much). I will definitely deliver more blogs in both series, though it might become difficult to decided onto which 7 sins I am going to pick - the pool from which to chose is to big for such harsh limitations.
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