when God created man, she was drunk and horny. Well, both give you a hint about the result... The second project worked was much improved, but still - it pains me to admit this - not completely without weak points.
I yet have to meet the woman who is not slave to her own cravings for something sweet. Ice cream. The Haribo Collection. And especially chocolate. Chocolate are rumoured to work as an aphrodisiac, to release endorphins and as such even serve as a substitute for sex.
Based on how much you like sweets and how much you depend on them to survive, I must be super woman. I am still waiting for the invention of the chocolate diet (okay, for the chocolate diet that actually serves to make you lose weight). But lately I am especially addicted to a super yummy chocolate bar, which has started to infiltrate Germany's sweets shelves: Cadbury's "Wunderbar".
The Wunderbar has a center of chewy caramel with peanut butter covered in chocolate.
It is sweeeeeet. Despite being that sweet it also has a distinctive saltiness which goes well with the peanut butter. I love it so much, I have become a real addict. And that when I am not normally a great fan of all things peanut. Snickers, peanuts, Mr. Tom, Peanut butter etc are usually rather tolerated than loved. Still the "Wunderbar" is everything its name promises and has me completely hooked.