October is a month that I mark red in the calender. Already in spring I feel its gloomy shadow looming in the foreseeable future. The reason is: in October I have to survive my twins' birthday. This year I barely managed to restrict the number of invited children to 20, so including my own three brats, I will be Snowwhite to a villainous gang of 23 dwarfs. Last year we were only 16 if I remember right and I barely lived through the event. It was especially difficult as we were celebrating the party at home and had children with very different tastes. Some did not want to come out to play outdoors in the garden. Some did not want to go back inside. Some did not want any cake. And two children were temporarily lost and were later found upstairs in my bed playing ghosts. This year - in the probably vain hope of not losing the overview - I have arranged for a birthday party at an indoors playground and activity center. The big day is now closing in: it's already next tuesday, so in just another 4 days.

This is of course one of the reasons why you haven't really read any new posts here lately. Other reasons include my intensive back-on-horseback-riding-classes and me being overdue with work for a deadline of the magazine for which I write.
But while nothing has been posted here, I have several blogs already under construction. So for sometime late next week you can look forward to blogs about an absolutely drool-worthy yaoi anime-series, sex for sale, living forever and horses and riding. I also have two more installments for my "parallel universe"-series under construction - one about my life in medieval times and one about my life in a nunnery.
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