It must have been around 3 am this morning. I and little Lucy (our youngest) we were soundly sleeping. We are both upstairs. The twins share a room in the basement. So at that time I woke up hearing my son Mark crying. Just a few seconds later he came running upstairs, burst into my bedroom sobbing and screaming "Mama, Mama! I have a ladybird up my nose".
What a scenario to wake up to in the middle of the night! (and after going to bed much too late ...)
I got up, checked the nostrils (without trace of any ladybirds, but one nostril was slightly bleeding) the room and the much calmer sister and tried to work out what must have happened.
So this is the most likely story:
They must have woken up, got up and started to play quietly so as not to wake me up (how considerate). But currently the cold season is starting for real in Germany and just the last week we found several ladybirds indoors, who thought the climate in our living room more hospitable than the cold outside. So apparently the children were playing and found a ladybird in their room. However it came to that - apparently Mark wanted to pick it up and the ladybird flew and flew directly into his nostril. Mark believes that the ladybird thought his nose was a ladybird cave and that it had intentions to settle down there. In his panic he started picking his nose so much that not only the ladybird came out but he also got a nosebleed. We found the ladybird on the carpet - it was unharmed, but looked a bit dazed.
It's the stuff that legends are made out of.
So behold Mark - proud owner of an inbuilt ladybird cave - currently uninhabitated.
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